Our next EOTN ambassador is James, who is going to be running in our Half Marathon on May 12th. James’ inspiring story of weight loss and chasing a goal time is here:
“I’m James I’m 28 and started running in 2015. I started running originally to try and help me lose weight little did I no I would fall in love with the sport and the running community.
Back in Jan 2015 I was severely over weight and told by my gp things had to change urgently. At first I struggled to walk up stairs without becoming breathless but that quickly changed.
In September 2015 I was 7 stone lighter I ran my first half marathon the great North run. My passion for the sport and the friends I had made from running was something I had never felt before.
I joined South Shields Harriers at the time who helped me develop as a runner which led me to sign up for the Sunderland half marathon in May 2016 with the goal of breaking 2 hours. On that occasion I feel short only just and this is something I’m still chasing to this day.
Sadly shortly after I got Injured and was out of running for a long time.
In late 2017 found that fire again and ran my first marathon in October 2018 something I never ever thought I would do.
When I was chosen to be an ambassador for Sunderland half marathon I was shocked to say the least but excited at the same time, I have always said if someone like me can train and run these races anyone can and should. I always say if I can inspire just one person to take a step in to this sport and change their life in a way like me then I will be forever grateful that I have inspired another in the way others have inspired me.
My goal for this years half marathon is to break that sub 2 hour barrier I have wanted for so long, it’s going to take a lot of hard work But I will get there!”
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