We’re delighted to be entering a ‘Team Spark’ to Sunderland City Runs this year and we’re really looking forward to taking part (even if we’re slightly nervous about the training!). As you’ll see below, we’ve got a range of different running experience in the team, but generally, we’ve got out of the habit over the last couple of years, so this is the perfect opportunity for us to get back out there, with team members entering the 5K and 10K events. Oh, and there’s no shortage of competitiveness between us as well, so that always helps! We’ll be documenting our training ‘progress’ in the build-up and having some fun with it, so if that’s your sort of thing, keep your eyes and ears open to Sunderland City Runs and Spark over the coming weeks to follow our journey!
You can tune in to Spark on 107FM in Sunderland, or listen anywhere via www.sparksunderland.com or the TuneIn and RadioPlayer apps.

Grace Daily
Hi, I’m Grace! I present Tuesday Breakfast and occasionally on Sport on Spark. I’ve not traditionally been much of a runner, but I’ve played football for pretty much my entire life so I’m hoping that’ll make the experience a bit easier! I’m taking part in the 5K to prove to myself that I can actually run a far distance, and I just kind of want the bragging rights too!

Grace McDonough
Hi, I’m Grace! On Spark, I co-present on GRL and produce the Thursday Hometime show. I’ve been running on and off for about three years now. Recently it’s been more ‘off’ than ‘on’ and I have signed up for the Great North Run in September so I thought taking part in the Sunderland City Runs 5K was a good way to ease myself back in! I’m also really excited to get involved because I’ve been at the University of Sunderland for seven months now and I don’t know the city very well and I think running is one of the best ways to get to know somewhere you aren’t familiar with!

Martin Blair
Hi, I’m Martin! I’m 38 and from Aberdeen. I am currently a third-year student studying for a BA (Hons) degree in media (Radio) at the University of Sunderland. I like football and I used to play a lot of amateur football when I was younger. I play bass guitar in a band, and I love spinning the decks with dance music, hosting my own late-night dance show on Spark every Saturday night at 10pm.
I’m taking part in the 5K run because I really need to get myself fit again and I like a challenge. I want to make my family back home proud as well as raising more local awareness of Spark. I’m really looking forward to getting involved with this momentous event and getting to see some of the city sights that Sunderland has to offer, as well as meeting other runners who are getting involved in this event.

Lottie Steele
Hi, I’m Lottie! I present Telling Tales and am the L of the GRL show on Spark. I’ve loved running for as long as I can remember but haven’t been doing much for the past year…so I’m keen to challenge myself by doing the Sunderland City 10K. I’m really excited to be taking on this challenge with my fellow Sparkies!

Tom Mortlock
Hi, I’m Tom! I’m the intern at Spark and I’m very excited to be having a go at this year’s 10K event! A few years ago, I used to be quite a keen runner and would regularly take part in 5K runs. I’ve also done a couple of 10Ks in the past, but these feel a while ago at the moment! I’ve let my participation in running and general fitness slip in the last two years, so now is definitely the right time to get back into it, with the motivation of having the Sunderland City Runs event to work towards.