We are now recruiting our army of volunteers for our 2019 events including Sunderland City Half Marathon and 10K on May 12th.
Volunteering can be an amazing rewarding experience, a great addition to your CV, a way to learn new skills, meet great people or just keep you involved through an injury.
Volunteers at our events cover a wide range of roles from handing out drinks at the water stations, putting medals around proud finishers’ necks, marshaling out on the course and looking after baggage. All we ask is that you are 16 years old or over, and all training will be given on the day.
Louise is a regular helper at events including Newcastle parkrun and the Kielder Marathon weekend.
Louise comments:
“As a runner myself I like to be able to return the favour to all the volunteers in races I run. And to be able to do that at Kielder in some of the most beautiful scenery in England- why wouldn’t you?!”
All volunteers at our event are given a packed lunch and a EOTN Crew jacket, and often have access to special offers from our partners and sponsors. Volunteering can be priceless especially if you are looking for like minded friends and new experiences.
Regular volunteers become family to us as a small crew. Trish, a regular face at all of the events comments:
“I have loved every single one of the events and proud to say I have been to ALL! The team are fabulous and care so much… so much so Steve Cram himself drove around to make sure we all had a hot drink at a very cold and windy Kielder! I have met the best people and made some of my now closest friends”
If you’d like to find out more or get involved, drop us an email at volunteers@eventsofthenorth.com
Here are some more comments from our 2018 volunteers:
Jamie: “Best bit is cheering on to the runners it makes me happy to be part of the volunteering team.”
Sally: “Volunteering for me is all about giving back what running has given me …. friendship, supporting others and seeing people achieve through hard work and determination to reach their race goals”
Jamie A: “I’ve been a marshal and finish line volunteer, and having run some of them myself I know how much of a difference the marshals make, I like to think I can have a positive impact on the runners in their time of need, I feel proud to help people achieve their goals, and be a part of their journey”
Mark: “I can say as I have done all of the events I have met some lovely people who I can call friends roll on SUNDERLAND!”
Marc: “I like volunteering at EOTN because it’s not just about giving up your spare time and helping out it’s the happy faces you bring to people who are at the event. I did the Kielder Marathon this year and it was absolutely amazing how many people were coming past and saying thank for helping. It’s those moments you can’t delete because you have made not just the event successful you make everyone a part of it happy and smiling that’s why I like volunteering for EOTN”
David: “Working with other great volunteers I get a buzz from welcoming the competitors at the finish, congratulating them and often have a little chat and joke. There is a great camaraderie among all the volunteers and runners it is like one huge family get together every time.”
Wendy: “Volunteering at EOTN events is a privilege not a chore. Witnessing and sharing in the immense achievements of the runners is just sheer delight. Added to the great companionship and the free lunch… what’s not to love!!”