392 buzzing runners started and finished the undulating 5k on the new Northern Spire Bridge on a warm but very windy June Saturday evening last year.
I have many friends each that return every year to Sunderland City Runs. This goes to show these events are well organised and run smoothly, even more so last year considering the restraints of covid at the time. All this allows runners of different abilities to enjoy their selected events to the max with lots of support.
Last year I witnessed such a strong team of amazing volunteers giving up their time to ensure the smooth running over the Sunderland City Runs weekend that included a 3k, 5k, 10k and a half marathon. All we need now is a marathon!!
And if you like a goody bag with fantastic medal and t-shirt then these events are for you.
Stay tuned to find out how I prepare for my event over the next 8 weeks…
See you there!