Rich Houghton 5K Entry was quick and easy. Like the idea of a Saturday night race and lots of options to park which on a Saturday night made this easier. Much better and faster course than previous and as you...
We absolutely loved being involved with Sunderland City Runs, both in a running and broadcast capacity. Here’s what our members of ‘Team Spark’ made of the experience: Lottie Steele (10k) I have just about recovered from the run on Sunday,...
Around 3,000 participants enjoyed sunny weather on Wearside during the 2022 Sunderland City Runs. Organised through a partnership between Events of the North, Sunderland City Council and its Active Sunderland team, the Northern Spire 5K, Sunderland City 10K and Half...
Mason, Brendan and Ethan are taking part in the Sunderland City Run and they are hoping to Raise Funds or get sponsorships for the Boldon colliery heritage group. Our aim is to build a memorial that properly represents our proud...
Three grass roots runners who will be encouraging the public to get involved in a major event in Sunderland met up with a North East charity fundraising legend today. Ambassadors for the 2022 Sunderland City Runs caught up with Colin...
We’re delighted to be entering a ‘Team Spark’ to Sunderland City Runs this year and we’re really looking forward to taking part (even if we’re slightly nervous about the training!). As you’ll see below, we’ve got a range of different...